Saturday, June 26, 2010

Above and below

Why do I love so deeply

yet hold back at times

afraid of drowning

in such tempestual waters?

The surface of love

would seem to be so,

unsure, shifting with the wind,

the only order being chaos.

Yet beneath it all

is the great and mighty sea,

supporting, comforting,

holding every golden moment

safe and gentle.


within it depths

all is here.

Nothing is lost

to the surface storm

of time.

The illusion is all

when I live here

above love

not sinking down

into its welcoming embrace.


there can be loss


and heartbreak.

Yet here

is where I must live

and love

laughing and crying

with the wind.


and rejoicing

within times

seeming mastery.

A duality

of one

for one is part

of the other.

Life is love

and love is life.

There is no above or below

where all is one.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

another perfect day...



I wonder
how many perfect days
we could experience,
if only we let ourselves
relax and sink deeply
into the moment.

Is it about the event exactly
or is it that in those moments
we find a perfect connection
with who we really are?

David opens that door
for many of us.
He shows us a beauty
we all feel
deep within our hearts
but which is so many times
masked by fear and sorrow.

He laughs,
and smiles,
and bounces
his way
past our barracades
and lets the light shine
into our very souls.

I found a new family
the first time I experienced
David in concert.
And I found family again
Wed night in Anaheim.

We share
that common bond
of knowing but not knowing
why this angel of a boy
can touch us so deeply.

needs no explanation.
It merely is.
And the truth is
that David brings love.

He inspires me
to be open
to this miracle of life.
And he challenges me
to be a force for change
and peace in the world.

I was able to tell him
what his music
and example mean to me.
I told him
that he speaks
directly to my soul.

That soul connection
we all feel
not just with David
but with one another.

It is the greatest gift
we can offer.

And so I have
all I need today.
For I have a heart
and a soul
open and ready
to love.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A prayer of Thanksgiving...



Dear God

The day is here
and once again I am asked
to put aside my fears
and to embrace this chance.

Help me Lord
to see the truth within me.
Quiet my fearful mind.
Let me focus not on death
but rather upon the continuous
beauty of life about me.

The sparrow.
The light
upon golden leaves
as the wind kisses softly
making a glittering dance
of communion.

No longer alone and afraid
these moments
connect me
to the truth
of who I am.

A part of everything.
Let me sink deeply Lord.
For I long
so much to float
in your Heavenly waters.

Touching every smile
every moonbeam
with my innocence
and ancient wisdom.

Within me
lies salvation.
Yet there is no within
and so the truth must lie
everywhere about me.

In everyone
and everything.
I see it!
I smell it!
It fills me
with such sweet longing.

on the palace balcony.
I rise.
I float.
Not needing to understand.
Not wanting for answers.

For how can there be questions
where all is answered?

Take my heart Lord
in your keeping
as I walk
into this virgin day
full of possibilities
promises and miracles
expectation and acceptance.

Fill me
with patience
surround me
with gratitude.
Lest I fall asleep

I walk out
the awakened one
a part of the world
the world of your kingdom
the world called


Saturday, November 14, 2009




Dear God,

I take this breath
in your service.
Fill me with your fire.
Light me from within.
So that your radiance
shines forth before me.
I am ready
to spread your light
through forgiveness and understanding.
I am ready
to show your love
through acceptance and tolerance.
I am ready
to be your servant
through commitment and focus.
Lead me Lord.
Sing to me
the songs of Heaven.
Show me
the true path before me.
Allow forgiveness
to first be given unto myself.
For I am on this journey
with my brothers and sisters.
Put your love first in my mind.
Let me not be tempted
by selfish thoughts
of fearful separation.
But let me see truly
the angel
behind every face.
Let me see
the burning soul
behind every teardrop.
Let me see
the timelessness
in every smile.
I open before you.
Fill me deeply
so that I might empty myself
out onto the world.
Let love
be my only song.
Let understanding and wisdom
be my guides
as I go out
into another perfectly
glorious day.
Your gift to us.
The present.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

the power of prayer...



When I write
it is as if
there is a song
already written
within me
and all I need
do is stop
be calm
and let it
sing through
and out of me
onto the paper.

When I write
there is a connection
like fire and water
flowing through me
warming me
until I am
with the passion
of existence
reaching out
my heart
and breath
and soul
to the love
which comes through
and out of me.

When I write
I hear
the song
of Heaven
I feel
the angels
around me
and I know
that I am safe
and loved
and a part
of something
than anything
I could ever

When I write
I am home.


Dear God

I thank you
for this divine
It moves so deeply
through me.
An instrument
of compassion.
As it fills me
so too fill my heart.
That I might
empty Your love
onto the world.
Let every breath
be my gift.
For I am here
in your service.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

Finding life between the heartbeats.



Writing and music
and laughter and sorrow.
Christmas and celebration
and birth and death.
Life is showing its seasons.
Here in October
I am given the gift of Christmas
from David A. a bit early.
It reminds me of the birth
at a time when I am mourning
the loss of a life.

I am so thankful
for every experience in my life.
They all color
the palet of my heart.



I have found
that it is only
when I am forced
to stop and ask
for help
that the answers
come to me.

They are there
in the space
and regret.

As of late
life has opened
a way to
can open the door
as can joy
and laughter.

So as I grieve
I also feel
my heart opening
and ready
for the miracle
given to me
I pause
and surrender.


This is the answer I received when I asked for help.

Robert Montgomery

Don’t think. Just be.
All pain comes from thinking.
It separates us from life
placing experience in the mind
rather than the soul-body-mind.
Life here must be shared.

Yet spirit rules
even where it has no wish to.
It will always yield to the mind
for the spirit has no agenda.
It exists outside of time.
It has no use of fear.

The mind must rule to survive.
Such is its delusion.
A prisoner of time and space.
Fear is its greatest ally.
For this sword keeps us earthbound.
Here we can lose, be hurt, and die.

Even religion has given itself
to the mind’s control.
How else could we have imagined
a punishing God
or a hell of retribution?
The mind creating a God in its image.

We truly worship a false idol.
We bow down to the laws of loss and decay.
We praise judgement and damnation.
Never before has the wood of the cross been so strong.
Humanity nailed to a realm of fear.

Yet spirit resides here.
It sparkles within everything.
Unconcerned with the laws
of space and time.
True freedom- free dominion.

The challenge
is to cherish the mind
yet not to exalt it.
If befriended, it can do us no harm.
“Love your enemies, and they are enemies no longer.”

Give yourself the gift of stillness.
as often as is possible throughout the day.
Take a moment
one heartbeat to connect
with the truth of spirit within you.

In this way
you will begin to lay a foundation
of timelessness within time.
Creating a bridge over which you cross
from moment to moment.

With discipline and faith
you will begin to see
that your true life
exists within these moments
between the heartbeats.

You have felt them
so many times before
yet didn’t understand.

Caught in the beauty
of a golden sunrise,
suspended in the innocent laughter
of happy children,
transfixed by the magic
of a Christmas tree.

These are the moments
outside of time
where the soul reveals its secrets.

Not going anywhere
yet resting
in the Holy connection
between thought.

The mind then becomes the friend
which guides us back to the bridge.
Not thinking.
Just being.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the wheel turns...



A few days ago
I was sitting
on my bed
with my dog
and I thought
to myself
remember this
because it is
and it will
not last.

It is that
that nothing
lasts forever
which allows
us to move
and outward
into more

I lost
a friend
and the grief
is like water
flowing through
and around me
and just as
that moment
of perfect
I knew would
flow through
and past me
so too
will this.

It is
the gift
of surrender
when we
no other
when the pain
is too much
and God
is our only

I will be
one with
my grief
allowing it
to flow down
and through me
cleansing me
leaving me
and ready
for the return
of peace

It is
the heartbeat
of humanity
I feel tonight
playing out
the dance
of life.



For my friend Jack

I wonder
about time
and this life
running before me
like a river
wild and free
and unpredictable
asking how
can it mean anything
when every day
into yesterday
tomorrow's dreams
as today's adventure.

my heart
has embraced
so many shining
of eternity
tearing me
and leaving me
and broken
to the next embrace
for the loss
of innocence
for the wheel
to stop.

yet how
can sunlight
be held
in a fist of panic
how can a laugh
linger longer
even as the next breeze
takes it away
leaving only echoes
of happiness
memories unreliable
misty and vague
as time rolls on
the illusion
that I move through
this epic story.

of beauty
of perfection
a gentle glance
a knowing smile
these are the threads
which weave
the tapestry I wear
about me
warming me now
on this clear cool
autumn eve
a cloak of memory
of a warrior's dance
in humble wonder
of this miracle
called life.