Robert Montgomery
Why is unity so fleeting?
To touch the face of God completes us.
As is every cell, every breath, every thought,
rests safely in His loving embrace.
So natural it seems to remain here
in the bosom of acceptance.
All of life's mysteries revealed.
Wonder and gratitude flowing.
What pulls me away?
Watching from outside the window.
A beggar at the feast.
My invitation in my hand.
I see clearly the doors guardian.
Armored sentinel, fears companion.
Its face hidden behind
layers of denial and regret.
Easy to fear the unknown.
Easy to forget my Savior's promise.
Here in the icy illusion
which is my chosen reality.
Yet in a breath of Heaven
my God reaches out to me yet again.
I can see the guardian's face
and clearly it is my own.
His armor of separation falls away
in one glittering remembrance.
"Welcome" is his message.
Acceptance and understanding are His promises.
I have always been here.
Honored guest at the feast.
My brothers and sisters about me.
Singing the chorus of salvation.