Robert Montgomery
My heart
does not need
It is irrelevant
in the face
of true
Truth itself
no opposite...
no alternate
Turning away
does not change
the face
of God.
It merely brings
and despair
to the mind.
How can a sunbeam
separate itself
from the Sun?
How can a wave
be separate
from the Ocean?
And so how
can I exist
apart from God?
July 1997
Robert Montgomery
Always the struggle
with the individual.
I sit here
in the Sanctuary
where it all began.
Gentle breeze
upon my face...
the trees singing me
"The Garden lies
within my son.
is always
for the asking.
You hold the key.
You know the secrets
for there are none.
All that is
has always been
and always will be.
All time breathing
into this one
as I sit here
once again
in God's sanctuary.
Atlantis rising.
Egypt reborn.
and rebirth
the Gifts
of remembering.
July 1997
Robert Montgomery
"Too much of this...
too little of that.
My mind held captive
to the definitions
of the world."
Why am I so hard on myself?
Why do I feel so inauthentic?
as if everything I say
is edited...
and analyzed...
for meaning.
Hidden intent.
Hidden agenda.
But who's?
I want so much
to stop the tapes
in my head.
And I know
how to do it
so why am I afraid
of the work?
and focus
will clear the slate
wiping away
the hallucination
of regret
and lost moments.
How can I write
of that which I don't believe?
How can I say these words
when my life
does not support them?
Why am I so hard
on myself?
July 1997
Robert Montgomery
Yesterday fell into place beautifully
once I remembered who I was.
The deflection of life seems to only happen
when I strive to navigate the river.
Sinking deeply into every experience is the key
but not with worldly definitions.
It may look from the outside as if someone is detached
yet the miracle unfolds internally.
How can we open fully
to the majesty of every heartbeat?
It is the beat which plays the rhythm of life...
without a single note
the song is incomplete.
Just as every person makes a difference
so too does every laugh
every sigh
every snowflake
every moonbeam.
The tapestry is continually created
and we are stitchers
and stitches
and created.
Our part is no more or no less that any other
yet perfectly balanced
on the wheel
of creation.
Harmony requires perfect balance.
Balance requires perfect harmony.
Truth needs equal participation.
July 1997
and so I look into a future full of possibility. But I walk in the sureness of my own faith in God and His faith in me.
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