Thursday, July 30, 2009

An affirmation...


Looking out at the world
with a poet's brush.
Taking strokes to tell the story
as I see it,
as I feel it,
beating within me.

How do I describe
the fragile beauty of the garden
as the sun gives each flower
its last kiss
of golden warmth?

How do I put words to
the mystery and intrigue
of watching a single plant
grow and become something magnificent?

How do I tell of the pain
and loneliness I see
in the face of a young boy?
And of his joy in knowing
someone cares for him?

"Chaos in the garden."

I wrote these words long ago.
My heart longs to stretch
yet fear and judgment hold it still,
silent, echoing a song
which once filled it with passion.

An artist lives only in the moment.
For the creation of life is in itself an art.
And when do we live but now?

Words upon a page are not living
unless they are taken up
and sung with the dawn.

I so wish for a new song.
One which will open me up
to the beauty all around me.

Today my lesson is one of Affirmation.
I will affirm all that is healthy
and beautiful within myself and within my life.

Walking the artist's path again
with open eyes and open heart
my song is already within me.

All I need do is sing.

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