Saturday, October 3, 2009




Robert Montgomery

free dominion
the domain
of the free

I am writing because ...
I know that there is something ...
wanting for a voice within me...
always there ...
waiting to be released...
patient and insistent...
furious and gentle...
builder and destroyer...
it is the me of the ages...
this pallet
richly stained ...
by the eruption of Life...
too long away...
I linger here...
timeless moment...
sure to be swallowed...
again in times delusion....
the focus obscured...
until the crystal...
shines clear again...
and I wonder...
have I been away?...
so much like a dream...
these times away...
that I scarcely notice...
the flow...
until I am away again...
and then it is the longing...
to return...
which aches within me...
irregular heart...
yearning to beat...
with the drums of Heaven...

I am writing because...
this key has been given me...
I know what it opens...
I see the garden before me...
so many friends...
blessed kindred...
beckon me home...
I write to remember...
the key in my hand...
I write to share...
this ecstasy...
of acceptance...
and total knowing...
returning to that...
which was never forgotten...
by the heart...
beating its ancient call...
to the truth...
virgin within us...
and as I write...
I am here..
amidst Heaven's sigh...
peaceful union...
connecting me...
golden thread...
stretching into eternity...
I write to share...
I write to create...
I write to sing ...
the song of homecoming...
to all who would hear.

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